Studying God's Word

The purpose of this website is to share Biblical, Spirit led teachings from many different writers that will point its readers to Jesus Christ, to be led of Him who IS the LIVING Word of God. I pray for all those that come to this site, that the Lord would reveal Himself to them and guide them into His truth while giving them the grace to walk in all the Light He has given them. - Becky Hayes

     To pass from the Old Testament into the New Testament is indeed like passing from darkness to light. The early disciples, because they were raised under the bondage of trying to fulfill God's laws while still possessing a self-centered nature, would have found new hope in Christ's teachings about His indwelling life. The kingdom of love with its natural service to God and man, once it was established within their hearts, would be turned into a spontaneous expression of a new inward nature. They would not need to strive to produce the life. Jesus Christ Himself would reveal His holy Kingdom-life of love through them. Continue Reading



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